Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christmas is in the air

 I hope that everyone had a delightful Thanksgiving! I know I sure did! I went to two dinners and it was quite eventful!
My brother and I just so happened to both be wearing plaid, so we took a minute and took a picture. He said that siblings who twin together win together! So I guess we are so winning! My brother is just one of the many things I am thankful for!

So now that Thanksgiving is over I can get ready for Christmas without being judged. So now let the 25 Days of Christmas Countdown, the crafts, decorations, tunes, and quality family time begin!! Of course I have already decorated....... So the pictures will be coming soon! Along with a few crafts I have done! So come check me out Tuesday afternoon for some new exciting things!

Saturday, November 22, 2014


So I have exciting news! I got inducted into BETA! If you do not know what that is, it is a great thing to be a part of! It is highly recognized and it mean that I have good grades & good attendance! I am very proud of myself for this little achievement!
My mom showed up. And she finally took a selfie with me:)
I also took a picture with my best friend Maria! She got inducted into BETA also.
And my grandparents couldn't show up, so they had flowers sent to my house! I had never had flowers mailed to my house and so I was quite excited and surprised!
All in all it was a great day & I am so honored to be a part of this wonderful organization!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


   I know I said I would have my latest craft done by today, and I honestly thought I would, but I didn't. I went to my friend Kim's house this weekend, so I was not able to work on my project. I got all the lines painted. I am planning on tracing it either tonight or tomorrow, and then I will glitterize it and I will be finished. I will not promise what day I will have it finished, due to the fact that every time I say that I don't finish it when planned. So please just bare with me, I am still working on the ways of the whole blogging world! Maybe eventually I will get to post something fun and not just another apology!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Working on being crafty

 So I am not finished with this craft but I am working on it! I am so excited because it is turning out so well so far. I found this craft on Pinterest as usual and so I am doing it.
Deer head template for my cameo cushions - plus instructions on glittering if needed in future
This is the craft I am currently working on. I went to to find out exactly how to do it.

So far I have only put on my masking tape and I am painting the black stripes on.

So first I took a ruler and measure 2 inches between each line and just used the ruler to make straight lines.Then, I went I put the painter's tape on, but I actually put them a little below the lines so I could paint over the pencil marks.

I am in the process of painting now! Sorry for the bad lighting. I promise that it is actually black paint not brown! I hope you have enjoyed my craft so far! I should have it all done by Tuesday! And in case you are wondering, I put everything I do on my Pinterset! Feel free to follow me! I am on it 24/7 :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Let's get ready

 So I have a new craft I am working on at the moment. I found it on Pinterest and fell in love, so I decided I would purchase the things needed and put the steps and finished product on my blog. I already have all the things needed. The only reason I can't post about it today is because I have been so busy that I haven't been able to start it. But I am preparing tonight and then I am going to actually start on it Tomorrow or Thursday! So wish me luck on my project and I will show it to you next week. Oh and I may start doing two blog posts a week, because I absolutely love doing this and I think it would be fun to do it twice a week!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

First Craft of The Season

 I finished my craft today! I am so proud of it! It is my first craft for Christmas!!! I got the idea for this craft on Mardi Gras Outlet. The craft I did was glitter branches. Which I put in a little red vase that I already owned.
This is the picture from the blog that I got the idea from.

 These are the supplies I used. Mod Podge, a Popsicle stick to spread glue, Silver glitter, and of course a branch.

 I then put the Mod Podge on at the top. I went from top to bottom when putting on my glitter. I then sprinkled glitter on the branch. I did this over some newspaper so I could catch the glitter and re-use it. And you of course keep doing this until the branch is covered.
 This is my project  so far. I am going to do a few more branches so that it is more equal. I am going to also fill the vase so that you can't see the ends of the branches since you can sort of see through it! But it will look a lot better after those few critiques. And you are welcome to copy this idea! And another great idea I saw on another blog was to just spray the branches with spray glitter, which is not as time consuming as what I did!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

So sorry

 So I tend to be the kind of person with a system or s list. So you may say that I am a little organized. But to be honest if I don't put things into my "schedule" I forget all about it. So I forgot to keep my blog updated and to post my latest craft. Which due to the cray weather we have been having here in Georgia, I haven't been able to finish my craft all the way. So tomorrow (if the weather lets me) I will finish my craft and have it posted by today or tomorrow. I am going to try to have a reminder like every Tuesday to post to my blog. So it will become a weekly task that I remember to do! Since I know I won't be able to finish a craft every week (I am a very busy person), I will sometimes have like a top ten of books or music. Or I will tell about what I am working on. And occasionally I may have a post of an outfit or exciting things I am going to do or are doing! So I am so sorry that I am yet again going to  post-pone again but hopefully this won't happen again for a while! ~Thanks~